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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Unwrapping 4th tool

Sometimes we create documents using certain programs or versions that are not compatible with some other computers, or it might happen that our file gets damaged or even worse our whole pc is broken and our files are completely gone, well guess what folks that issue is solved by using Google docs. No more hassle to get access to your documents. Availability is not a problem anymore.

It is great to get to know a different way to share files, all at once with multiple contacts, plus having updates and feedbacks in real time. I found pretty interesting the application Forms since it could be used in the classroom to get responses from students to certain topics or even apply quizzes of the curriculum, which would mean less grading time consuming and immediate data feedback.

Google reader would make our life easier by offering the possibility to organize our contacts and their responses in a much more simple way that would enable us to follow and update our particular sites of interest in a very practical fashion.

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